I tried Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations for 7 days

A few months back, I was in the midst of a deep dive into the large library of goop podcasts when I was intrigued by one title in particular: “How to Become Your Future Self.” Over the next 80 miles and 50 minutes, I listened as the worlds of holistic healing and quantum physics collidedContinueContinue reading “I tried Dr. Joe Dispenza meditations for 7 days”

The Melrose Trading Post

Each Sunday Fairfax High School transforms its grounds into a sprawling landscape of booths that sell their wares from 9 am to 5 pm. The wide range of goods from handmade creations, vintage finds, and apothecary items sends out the signal and the market quickly becomes saturated with YouTubers, re-sellers, and the hippest kids fromContinueContinue reading “The Melrose Trading Post”

Intimations by Zadie Smith

Passing the one year mark of the beginning of this cascade of crises means we have started to circle back to our own tail, forgetting what we were looking at before this all began. Romantic social distance movies have been released, sitcoms have incorporated pandemic procedure into on-screen reality; once unimaginable things are now takenContinueContinue reading “Intimations by Zadie Smith”

Fortunate Son : a Restaurant Review

Here in San Diego restaurants bloomed over weekend with petals of pedestrians vying for one of the limited seats at the newly reopened outside dining establishments. It is heartening to see the community gathering together to uplift their struggling neighborhood eateries even as pandemic pressures weigh heavier than ever. I have certainly had my fairContinueContinue reading “Fortunate Son : a Restaurant Review”

The Sun Magazine : A Review

For my birthday this year my grandmother gifted me a subscription to The Sun magazine, along with a copy she had previously read. She had recommended the magazine to me a few weeks earlier and I had been intrigued by the website but hadn’t found any readings online. Eventually, that initial gifted copy was slatedContinueContinue reading “The Sun Magazine : A Review”

Netflix Finds

After the six month mark of quarantine, I found myself in a show hole, believing I had finally seen everything worth watching on Netflix. This month I revisited the site, with a new sense of exploration in mind. Here’s some of gems that I’ve uncovered; conveniently sorted into categories to best direct you towards yourContinueContinue reading “Netflix Finds”

Vogue US : September Issue

This September the much anticipated Vogue September issue features a global collaboration; all iterations of the magazine have united under a single theme: Hope. Each issue is graced with a diverse array of hopeful stories, thoughtful insights, and initiatives for the future. The US issue features two alternate covers: both paintings, a rare departure fromContinueContinue reading “Vogue US : September Issue”

LIMBO magazine

Born of quarantine, LIMBO began as a project with the intention of providing income and exposure to artists who were impacted due to the lockdown. The magazine quickly gained over 100 contributors, many waiving their fees to take part in the exciting project. The ethos behind the magazine seems obvious and yet, LIMBO seems toContinueContinue reading “LIMBO magazine”

The Defining Decade: Book Review

This book was recommended to me during an interview of another artist whose teachings have helped me navigate these tumultuous waters of being twenty-something at a time like this. Written by Dr. Meg Jay, this book is an accessible guide to avoiding some common missteps that can accidentally take your twenties off track for longerContinueContinue reading “The Defining Decade: Book Review”

Living, Loving & Learning: Book Review

Leo Buscaglia’s collection of lectures, “Living, Loving & Learning” is exactly what the cover describes– “The JUBILANT #1 Best Seller.” His deep knowledge of the human condition and wisdom of the human spirit create timeless lessons that ring just as true today as when they written back in the 70’s. His remarks resonate deeply, articulatingContinueContinue reading “Living, Loving & Learning: Book Review”